Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Today I Messed Up

I was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, my laptop on the table in front of me and the couch behind me. I was comfortable. I was writing a story.

Lois got up from the toys she was playing with, crawled under my arm, and sat on my lap, keeping my right arm away from the laptop, making me type only with my left.

I was in the writing zone and ideas were flowing. I didn't want to stop; I just needed a couple more minutes.

I picked her up and put her on the couch behind me, figuring she'd be comfortable there, and I went back to writing.

I looked back at her quickly to make sure she was comfortable and okay only to see tears pouring out of those pretty blue eyes, coursing down her little cheeks. She wasn't just sad; the look on her face was one of genuine hurt.

She had wanted a cuddle. Nothing more. She just wanted to sit with her daddy. Her daddy put her aside.

I felt like a monster. An absolutely horrible monster.

We cuddled for the next hour or so on the couch and then played.

I still feel like a monster a little bit.

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