One of the things that may surprise you about me is that I'm actually fairly intensely introverted. This doesn't mean that I don't like being around friends, I really do! I enjoy social interaction and like being out and about
but I recharge differently. I like my alone time; it gives me a chance to relax.
And let me tell you, having a baby is the absolute best excuse in the world for an introvert.
Before the baby a conversation about not really feeling like going out might go like this:
Extroverted Friend: "Wanna come hang out tonight with me and 30 of my closest friends? It'll be a blast!"
Me: "I'm not really feeling up for that, I'm sorry."
EF: "What?! That's crazy!! Get off your butt and get out here, man! We're gonna par-tay!!"
Me: "Nah, I really can't. I'm just going to curl up with the computer and a book. Next time, though, I'll come, I promise!"
EF: "Nope. I won't accept no for an excuse. I'll come kidnap you. You're coming! Forget it, dude!"
Me: (Lying now since the truth doesn't work) "Okay, I didn't want to say anything but actually I have stomach problems, and I have horrible gas, I'm running to the bathroom every five minutes, I feel..."
EF: "TMI, man! Okay. Next time!"
EF: "Wanna come hang out tonight with me and 30 of my closest friends? It'll be a blast!"
Me: "Sorry man, the baby needs a bath tonight and I need to get her to sleep early. Next time though?"
EF: "Oh, yeah, totally cool! Next time!"
So, introverts, here's your chance at unlimited excuses to stay home! Have a baby! It's the perfect plan and I can see absolutely no down sides! So go! Make babies!
And to those friends who are wondering if I've used this technique on you let me assure you that I have.
I have not. That's what I meant to say up there. I have
I'm going to stop typing now before I get myself in trouble.
For those of you who are only here for baby photos. |
This is dedicated to
Lauren Filing Jointly who I've only followed for a while but have come to really enjoy reading. She's fairly introverted and
just found out that she's pregnant! Go congratulate her!